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Portal to Parenthood

Mini Intro Workshop


Thursday, September 26th






If you know that being a parent is something that you want in your life but are finding yourself blocked in some way, this workshop is for you! This is a FREE online taster event for the Portal to Parenthood Program which starts in October. 



This event is open to both singles and couples, whether you are actively trying to get pregnant or planning for the future. It will support you if you are having fertility challenges, focusing on creating the right environment for conscious conception, or just beginning to envision what it will be like to be a parent. 



Introduction to how ancestral healing, expressive arts therapy, depth psychology, and manifestation technology is woven into the Portal to Parenthood program to allow for healing and transformation. 



Using psychodrama and somatic exploration, you will have a chance to evaluate your readiness for parenthood by physically "stepping into" your desire.


By uncovering limiting thoughts you will gain clarity on what may be in the way and create a powerful parenthood mantra to take with you as you move forward. 


Through guided meditation, you will meet your future "parent" self and capture the essence of this vision in an art exploration.


Our time together will include an opportunity to answer any questions you may have about the full program. 







Portal to Parenthood is a three month online group program for fully stepping into the journey of creating parenthood. If you know that being a parent is something that you want in your life but are finding yourself blocked in some way, this program is for you.


Combining the power of depth psychology, expressive arts therapies, ancestral healing, and manifestation technology, we will be working in the spiritual, psychological, and imaginal realms. You will find clarity for your vision of family, uncover generational patterns that need healing, find guidance and support from wisdom figures, and begin building a relationship with your future children. 


Program Outcomes Include:

  • Improving mind, body, and spirit alignment for fertility and conscious conception

  • Uncovering blocks and clearing limiting beliefs 

  • Addressing generational patterns and embracing ancestral gifts and blessings

  • Baby spirit connection to nurture relationship with your future children 

  • Aligning to a more feminine way of receiving and allowing

  • Stress reduction and emotional support in the ups and downs of the journey

  • Surrendering and finding peace with whatever is meant to happen

  • Uncovering fears and resistance around being a parent

  • Grieving the parts of yourself that you will let go of when you become a parent

  • Getting clear on what a co-parenting partnership looks like

  • Clarifying non-negotiables, desires, preferences, and needs for your co-parent relationship

  • Properly treating this experience as a rite of passage

  • Being held in a therapeutic group container during this major life transition


The program is open to both singles and couples, whether you are actively trying to get pregnant or planning for the future. It will support you if who are having fertility challenges or if your focus is on creating fertile ground for conscious conception. 


Each module will offer guided explorations and opportunities for reflection and therapeutic sharing around various topics key to this inner and outer journey.

Creative expression, guided meditation, prayer, and ritual will be interwoven throughout, and you will develop regular practices for alignment. There will be an opportunity to "show and tell” your work from each module with the group. 


Program Cost:


$1500 for 12 week program that includes both group and individual sessions. 


Inquire about scholarship opportunities or setting up a payment plan if cost is a concern


The mini workshop on Sept. 26th is a taster for the program and will give you a sense of what it is like to work with me. 


For a limited time, this program is also being offered as an individual package. If you know that group work is not ideal for you and you would like some one-on-one support, this is your chance!


Register for the mini taster HERE. If you know that you would like to be in the the full program, please fill out the INTAKE FORM


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